Grothouse Original Oil™ | 4 Pack
$ 154.76
Grothouse Original Oil™ is the best product for keeping wood countertops, soapstone and wood utensils properly moisturized. Our Original oil is heavy weight pure mineral oil to provide lasting protection. This product contains no nut oils and is food safe and hypoallergenic. For use on Cutting Boards, Salad Bowls, Soapstone and Wood Utensils.
Apply a 2 inch diameter circle of oil directly to the clean wood surface. Using a paper towel or cotton cloth, spread the oil over the surface, adding additional oil if needed to apply a thin coat. Be sure to oil the sides and the exposed bottom of the wood countertop. Allow the oil to soak in overnight. If necessary, remove the excess with a dry cloth and your piece is ready for use. Properly dispose of oily rags when done to prevent spontaneous combustion.

Your wood countertop or butcherblock should be oiled once a week for the first month. Thereafter the counter should be oiled a minimum of once a month or when the surface appears visually dry. The amount of oiling required can vary based on the environment.
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